psycho thrillersfilms – Give Her What She Wants

A merciless woman holds two men prisoner and erotically tortures them for information, then kills both. (Obviously fake, the gunshot effects are pretty bad, blood is OK.)
1 Girl, 2 Guys
Dominant woman kills two men scenario
Blonde woman in ponytail, wearing glasses
Smoking in long holder
Two men on their knees, hands bound behind their backs
Woman demands information
To show she means business, she shoots one man in the shoulder
While he writhes in pain, second man is freed to use laptop
He frantically looks for what she wants
She continues to torture first man
Pushing him against the bed she shoots his other shoulder
She taunts him, pushes him around, blows smoke in his face
Raising her dress she makes him lick her pussy
He pleases her with cunnilingus
She then promptly shoots him in the head
The second man watches in horror and fear
She continues to pleasure herself
Rubs her pussy against the dead man’s mouth
She goes to the second man
He has given her what she wants on the computer
She makes him lie down on the bed
One of his hands is cuffed to the backboard
She opens his pants, frees his cock
Taunting him she sucks him to an erection
Then she takes out a syringe and jabs him in the leg
She tapes his mouth with duct tape then sucks his cock again
He is rock hard and she mounts him
She rides him cowgirl-style
She fucks him wildly
When she is satisfied she takes the tape off his mouth
She gets her gun and puts it in his mouth
A single shot kills him, blood from the shot behind his head
She rides his cock a little more while he is still hard
Finally she dismounts from him and leaves
Last shots and body pans of both dead men.
Name: PTF_Give-Her-What-She-Wantsmp4
Format: mp4 – Size: 831.2 MB – 00:15:58 – 1920 x 1080