XXX Multimedia – The Gender Switch: Waking Up in a Woman’s Body

Aiden stumbles into the door, closing it behind him, he comments about how badly he’s feeling. Having small involuntary gagging, he decides it would be best that he lay down. Kicking his shoes off he covers up with a blanket that was on the couch. With some mumbled cursing in between, he finally falls resting. Unbeknownst to the fact there are larger problems at first, he wakes up with notions about his still being buzzed. Mildly discovering some not so usual characteristics, he starts out thinking that his mates have pulled another prank, painting his nails while he was out as it isn’t unusual that they prank him that way.
He starts discussing with himself that it seems like his hands are much smaller than he is use to them being. Wait, he exclaims, this skin is a different color. He then starts to feel the characteristics of his face becoming sure they are not of his own. "Somethings going on, how much did I have to drink", he says. Noticing his clothes aren’t fitting him as they normally would, its only seconds later he reaches up to find that he has a boob. Trying to deny the current situation, he attempts pinching himself as a way to wake up because he’s sure that he’s dreaming. Not able to deny it for long, he gives up simply hoping he at least has 2 boobs as reaches up to the other side of his chest. With a sigh of relief that at least there are 2 boobs, he takes a minute to express frustration with his new long hair.
Feeling quite differently about his dick, he says a small prayer as he reaches down between his legs. Crying out about it definitely being gone, he goes on verbally express how he really don’t want to take his pants off to find a vagina. Claiming that he just don’t think he can take much more, he turns to lay back so he can hesitantly unfasten his pants. Noticing he has a new set of thighs before getting his pants unfastened, he is sure that’s just another sign pointing towards what he doesn’t want. Mincing with a little more panic at each button, he only gets more dreadful, finally deciding to give himself a break before taking the final plunge. He needs a minute to recoup from all that he’s already endured before getting confirmation that he does indeed, possess the anatomy of a female now.
Closing his eyes as to make sure he doesn’t have to visually witness what he’s about to find, he pulls down his pants. Still whining about his situation, he announces that he definitely feels air on his vagina. Reaching down to touch it, he keeps giving himself more reassurance about what this is. Just a couple of touches and he takes notice to the fact his pussy is wet. "That’s kind of cool", he says, as he starts to touch it a little more. Then saying "That’s kind of fun, but why am I so wet" as he pulls his hand back up to inspect his now, sticky fingers. Wondering if his tits are even real, he goes for further inspection of them as well, expressing more fear before actually following through. "Just think of the positives, Aiden", he says to himself as he starts to list what’s right about his current situation. Still needing to take the time to remind himself to breath before continuing forward.
"I’ll just rub my boobs. Touching boobs always makes me feel better", he says starting to grope his new anatomy. Giggling a little he’s quick to realize that this is might be even better than he could’ve thought. Noticing that girls nipples are way more sensitive and that he likes the cleavage of squishing his tits together, he suddenly remembers how good it had felt when he touched his pussy earlier. Reaching back down to start rubbing and touching himself, he still feels too nervous to truly look at it. Making note that it does feel good then deciding if he is going to be a girl then may as well do something fun. Finally deciding he has enough nerve to look at, he wiggles his pants the rest of the way of his legs. After just a glimpse he feels like its just too much for him to look at it. Still discussing aloud with himself how even if he can’t stand looking at it, he can still have fun. He’s just going to focus on his boobies while he reaches down to rub and touch his clit.
"It’s weird, but it feels so good" he says, then going on to rattle off how he’s pretty sure this one spot is supposed to be sensitive while seeing him re-position himself. Just seconds later he cries out with pleasure in affirmation of his suspicions. Laying up on his side for easier access without having to take on a visual, he discovers that he’s got a fat ass. Momentarily getting caught up on the fact that his ass jiggles so nicely, he takes time to enjoy fondling his new goods. Patting his pussy then spanking his self just a little, he goes on to lick his fingers before reaching back down to rub and touch his pussy. This time using both hands, he uses one to work his clit and the other to play with his hole. Always coming back to his titties, he don’t want to miss enjoying any piece of what his new body has to offer. Wishing her body had more flexibility so he could be more efficient in taking advantage of all there is to take advantage of. Becoming braver with penetration he ends up with 3 fingers inside while still using the other hand to stimulate his clit. Liking the fact that the more he plays with himself the wetter his pussy gets.
Continuing to finger fuck his self while rubbing his clit, he can’t help crying out with moans of pleasure. The way his ass jiggles as he finger fucks his self gives him a giggle, but doesn’t slow him down. Getting more and more enthralled as he goes on, he rubs and finger fucks his new pussy until he shivers with orgasm. Finding his clit to be overly sensitive right after, he chooses not to touch it for long. In a much better mood, he decides to grope his tits one last time. What if its a dream after all and he wakes back up as himself, he thinks, as he does the groping. Then again what if its not a dream he questions then answering himself with how he’ll just have to buy a vibrator, he rolls over to go back to napping.
Name: The Gender Switch Waking Up in a Woman’s Bodymkv
Format: mkv – Size: 225.95 MB – 00:21:21 – 1920 x 1080