[TheBattleForEarth] August Ames – Lady Wonder

Lady Wonder’s family has been turned to stone by Faust and Wonder is livid. She tracks him down and forces him out of hiding, only to find out that it was all a plan to lure her into his trap. Using magic and teleportation, Faust manages to cut Lady Wonder’s leg and draw blood. With her blood, he conjures a spell to bring the very dangerous Morgana out of the hell Lady Wonder originally put her in. Needless to say, Morgana is not excited to see Lady Wonder and takes the opportunity to take out some aggression. Because Faust used Lady Wonder’s blood to bring Morgana back, she is even more powerful than before. See how Lady Wonder deals with Morgana’s extra strength and other worldly powers…
Name: TheBattleForEarth – 2015-03-27 – August Ames – Lady Wonder [1080]mp4
Format: mp4 – Size: 829.92 MB – 00:28:26 – 1920 x 1080